
What I’ve Been Reading

I have been in a reading hiatus for a week or two because some weeks I just want to watch Big Little Lies, Westworld, AND American Gods. I’m caught up on all of them. Those are the only shows I’ve watched, lately. Also, I just started a new job this week, so bye bye TV time. I did a lot of reading before my reading break.

Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris – 3.5 stars

This was a decent thriller featuring a fairly messed up character. I liked it, although sometimes I get tired of crazy husbands/stalkers/male characters. I think I’ve read enough ‘woman must get away from bad guy’ books for now and need a break ’cause it makes me want to berate everyone in the book.

Mean Streak by Sandra Brown – 3.5 stars

I have never read a book by Sandra Brown and I was surprised by how much romance there was right in the middle of the mystery. I did enjoy it and it was a good mystery/thriller.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys – 4 stars

I liked the format of this book; it skipped between characters but you never got too far into one character that you felt tugged away from them when it switched to another, and they were bound together in the same scenario. There was one character which obviously I did not enjoy reading as much – if you’ve read it, you’ll know which one.

I had never read about this tragedy before and it’s shocking. The author did a good job describing it in a fictional story. It made me feel upset and horrified and it’s an indescribably sad event. The characters were very easy to want to follow along with and I was hoping the whole way that things would somehow go well for them. I will not spoil whether they did or not.

The Westing Game by Ellen Raskins – 2 stars

I’d always wanted to read this and thought I would like it, but it wasn’t for me. There were red herrings and lots of characters. I couldn’t keep up with who was who and didn’t get attached to any of them. I used to love Agatha Christie when I was in school but this style of mystery didn’t grab me.

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente – 4 stars

This was a fun traipse around Fairyland. Every part was imaginative, and the ending was perfect. It was a little slow for me in the beginning, but I got into it in the second half and the ending sealed it. There’s another book or two after this I would not mind checking out.

Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah – 4 stars

I didn’t know much about Trevor Noah going into this (apart from that he hosts The Daily Show), and it was a fascinating read for me. There are lots of stories about apartheid, his mother, and growing up – almost nothing about his career, and the stories are entertaining and heartbreaking. I recommend it even if you don’t know much about him, yet.

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon – 4 stars

This was an easy read – it read a little like a YA Me Before You style book, but I enjoyed it more. I’m not sure if I felt that one part of it was totally necessary – I can accept it since it wasn’t really a heavy read before getting to that part, which made it a little more twisty. The drawings and things in between were cute, although a little distracting. Overall, it didn’t make me feel all fangirly over it, which is okay, because I’m not exactly the target audience.

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin – 4 stars

A book for book lovers – reminds me of everything I love about reading. It also has a great story and sweet characters and was easy to pick up even when I was sort of in a book funk.

Currently reading:

I’m linking up with Steph and Jana today for Show Us Your Books. You can find me right here on Goodreads.

24 thoughts on “What I’ve Been Reading

  1. I love this post because I loved Born a Crime, Fikry, and Salt to the Sea! I felt similarly about Behind Closed Doors although it was pretty freaky and I couldn't put it down. Her second book is not too bad either (comes out in July). Everything Everything was a quick and fun read for me and I think I liked The Sun is Also a Star even more.


  2. I read Everything, Everything this month too and enjoyed it. I totally saw the twist coming though and guessed it very early on. I loved Fikry. I read it a few years ago and I still think about it. Salt to the Seam, Mean Streak and Behind Closed Doors are all on my TBR.So is Samuel Hawley.


  3. I loved Salt to the Sea. It was such a good, heart-breaking read. And I know exactly who you disliked. Me too! Everybody keeps talking about Mean Streak so I'm going to have to read it. It's been a long time since I've read anything by Sandra Brown. And Rebecca Jo isn't the only person who hasn't yet read Fikry. Some day!


  4. You still managed to read a lot, despite your reading break, which for all of the shows that you mentioned, I understand why you were glued to the TV! I'm so glad that you loved Salt To The Sea, and it amazed me too how I had never heard of this tragedy before this book! I selected Behind Closed Doors for Erin's Book Challenge, and I can't wait to read it!


  5. Ah, I remember that I liked the Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland. It was really charming and I meant to read the sequels but forgot about it completely! Glad you reminded me of it!
    I liked A.J. Fikry. Books and books are always fun. I didn't love how it skipped through time so fast though, It felt like every chapter was a short story about the same characters versus being a continuous novel – If that makes any sense!


  6. I loved Trevor Noah's book. I had seen his documentary so I knew a bit about his childhood, but I was still sort of expecting a career driven memoir. His book is so much more than that! I'm totally with you on taking a break from crazy, abusive, murdering men. Haha!


  7. I think I felt kind of bleh about The Westing Game. It'd been on my list for a while but it kind of fell flat.
    It looks like you got some solid reads in before the hiatus! Good luck with the new job! Hope it's going well!


  8. The mystery actually was really confusing for me as an adult but I'm probably not the greatest at mystery-solving. Maybe I would have enjoyed it better as a kid!


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